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The Jason database contains 2,200 entries with names of merchants, shipowners and bankers that were active in the Black Sea port-cities. Every entry has the surname, the name, the date of birth, the nationality, the profession, the guild, the size of imports and exports, the ships owned, the archive where the information comes from. This database is interrelated with the Argo database.
General Information |
FAMILY NAME | Commercial house "Br. S & V. Bezchinskie" | NAME | | FATHER NAME | | LOCATION | Taganrog (Taganrog) | DATE OF BIRTH | | NATIONALITY | | ALSO FOUND AS | [RUSSIAN] Торговый дом "Братья С. и В. Безчинские"
| | Imports/Exports: |
01-01-1912 : 31-12-1912 | Capital: 60000 (Ruble) Merchant - (Taganrog-0) Taganrog SOURCE: Сборник сведений о действующих в России торговых домах (товариществах полных и на вере), Отдел торговли министерства торговли и промышленности, СПб 1912 |
SOURCE TITLE | Сборник сведений о действующих в России торговых домах (товариществах полных и на вере), Отдел торговли министерства торговли и промышленности, СПб 1912 | SOURCE TYPE | Book | PAGE | 175 | ARCHIVAL SERIES | 1909-12-05 |